Strengthening the Security Industry: A Call for Subcontractor Regulation

In recent years, the security industry has witnessed significant growth and transformation. As more professional individuals, including a growing number of women, are drawn to this dynamic field, it’s essential that we evolve with it. But this evolution should not just be about expanding the industry; it should be about empowering our staff, ensuring fair treatment, and enhancing our services. That’s why I’m calling for more regulation of subcontractors in the security industry.

At TMA Security Services, we have always held our core values close to our hearts – integrity, commitment, and excellence. We strive to provide our clients with top-notch security services while ensuring the well-being of our staff. However, I can’t ignore the growing concern within the industry regarding subcontractors who fail to adhere to these same principles. Many subcontractors are not paying the correct rates, and some even resort to paying cash in hand, creating a climate of insecurity and instability for our colleagues.

Mark Telford, TMA

One of the most important challenges in the industry is that we need to support our security personnel with welfare and proper working hours. Subcontractors who cut corners can compromise the welfare and safety of the security staff who work long hours, often under challenging circumstances. This is not only unethical but also detrimental to the wellbeing of those who keep our communities safe. Ultimately, it compromises the service to the client and damages the reputation of the industry.

Another issue we face is the difficulty in attracting the right calibre of people with the core skills necessary for the security industry. Since leaving the European Union, there has been a noticeable shift in the availability of skilled workers. It’s essential that we invest in attracting and retaining these individuals, who are critical for the success and growth of our sector.


Empowering our staff is not just about fair compensation; it’s about providing a work environment that is conducive to growth, professional development, and personal fulfillment. Only when our employees feel valued, respected, and fairly compensated can we ensure their dedication to providing the best security services.

But it’s not just about internal improvements. It’s also about enhancing our relationship with our clients. When they entrust us with their security needs, they deserve to know that we are committed to the highest standards. Regulating subcontractors ensures that we maintain this commitment to quality and integrity.

Giving Back

In light of these concerns, we are proud to announce that TMA Security Services is about to align itself with a charitable cause. We believe in giving back to our community and supporting those who have made great sacrifices for our nation. This is why we have chosen to partner with a charity that assists ex-servicemen and women struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is our way of showing our gratitude and commitment to the well-being of our heroes.

In conclusion, it is high time that we take a step towards more rigorous regulation of subcontractors in the security industry. By doing so, we can ensure that our colleagues are paid fairly, work under proper conditions, and receive the support and respect they deserve. We can attract and retain the right talent, empower our staff, and maintain the highest level of service for our clients. Together, let’s strengthen the security industry and create a safer, more compassionate world for all.