Safeguarding Retailers in the Face of Rising Retail Crime

By Mark Telford, TMA Security Services

In an era where overall crime rates are on the decline, the alarming surge in shoplifting poses a significant threat to retailers across the country.

According to police reports, shoplifting cases increased by 24% in the year leading up to March 2023, and the British Retail Consortium has sounded the alarm on what they describe as a retail crime “epidemic.”

This surge, while partly a rebound from pandemic-induced lows, indicates a broader trend that demands attention and effective solutions.

As a provider of retail security services, we have certainly noticed this alarming trend with our staff having to deal with a growing number of incidents. The rise is partly fuelled by the cost of living crisis, but other factors are also contributing.

Customer service

At TMA, we understand the importance of a visible security presence in deterring criminals, but our security officers are not just a deterrent. They are trained to provide excellent customer service.

Whether meeting and greeting customers at the front door or patrolling the premises, TMA’s officers maintain a calm and professional demeanour, contributing to a positive shopping environment.

Our track record includes securing West End stores in London and managing crowd control for high-profile retail events such as new product launches.

We work closely with our retail clients to tailor security measures to their specific needs, ensuring a comprehensive and effective security strategy.

Conflict management

One of the critical aspects of addressing retail crime is understanding the dynamics of conflict in a retail environment. We recognise that poorly managed confrontations can escalate into physical altercations.

To mitigate this risk, we place a strong emphasis on training personnel, both our own security officers and our clients’ retail staff, in conflict management. This not only ensures the safety of everyone involved but also helps prevent situations from reaching a point where physical force becomes necessary.

Shoplifting trends and organised crime

Shoplifting, traditionally associated with petty theft, is evolving. While substance abuse remains a root cause, organised criminal elements are increasingly involved.

Organised shoplifting rings often exploit young individuals, under 16, due to the perception that legal consequences for them will be less severe.

Proactive observation and communication

Good security providers take a proactive approach to crime prevention. For example, our officers are trained to observe and profile individuals, identifying potential threats before they escalate.

Good communication with local police ensures that our personnel stay informed about criminal activities in the area, allowing for a swift and informed response.

Addressing root causes and collaborating with law enforcement

While the retail sector collaborates with law enforcement through initiatives such as Pegasus, challenges persist.

TMA advocates a dual approach, emphasising making theft more difficult alongside collaborative efforts with police. We support measures such as security tags on high-value items and strategic store layouts to deter theft effectively.

Other threats

While shoplifting is clearly top of the agenda for the retail sector, stores face plenty of other threats. From smash-and-grab raids to vandalism and collateral damage during city centre protests, effective security helps to protect premises and staff from these hazards.

Last word

As retail crime continues to grow, we aim to be a proactive and versatile partner for retailers.

By focusing on conflict management training, proactive observation, and collaboration with law enforcement, we aim to create a safer retail environment for businesses and customers alike.